Automatic Attendance System using Face Recognition ( OpenCV 3.1.0 & Raspberry Pi )

Project Phase A Face Recognition system to be used for marking attendance in an organisation for a streamlined and centralized record of Employees or Members. Phase includes the following stages: A C++ program to detect and store faces. (Detection) A Python Script to maintain and link available...

ThinAVR v0.9: The Slim and Minimalist AVR development Board

A While ago I mentioned the need for a minimalist and cheap embedded development board .You may read my previous post here: Developing Slimmer AVR board It was that day when I designed the prototype and today, I present to you : A minimum AVR development board with what you need...

Line Follower using Neural Nets : Part 2 (Designing the Neural Net )

This post is the second in the series of developing a neural net line follower. For the post covering dataset generation, go here Once data is handy, the next objective in a Neural Net is to plan out its structure. Neural nets are mostly used for uncertain and non-linear operations as is our task...

Line Follower using Neural Nets : Part 1 (Generating Data Set)

Neural Networks are convenient when mapping a function which behaves non-linearly. However, for Training and Testing purpose , Data is the most important piece of the puzzle. The Neural Network Line Follower to be designed uses 8 Line sensing elements where each will return  1 : Line Detected  0...

RoboAuto : Arduino Bluetooth Joystick for Android™

HC-05 has an added advantage in embedded systems that pretty much every smartphone is equipped with in built Bluetooth hardware.This opens up a large number of possibilities for access and control of embedded systems. There are apps that do the task of controlling a system via bluetooth however none...

Programming and Simulation of AVR with HC-05: PART II

The final build of my work with HC-05 involves using AVR ATmega32 microcontroller which is a powerful micro controller. The Controller is programmed in AVR GCC. For HC-05 (or any other serial communication system), the USART needs to be set on the ATmega32 through programming. Here is a snippet of...

A Simple Edge Detection Algorithm

In tasks of image processing, finding edges in an image occasionally serves as the basis for the evaluations. However, imaging functions usually take up a lot of memory and computation power due to the complexity of  the equations which limit their usage on low memory devices like microcontrollers...

Quick Start Button for Jupyter Notebook

Running Jupyter from the CMD all the time on a windows machine is quite tedious and time consuming. You gotta navigate to your prefered directory ,then call up CMD (or vice versa) and then execute the command "Jupyter Notebook" Sure we can write a python program to do that for us, I prefer to use...

Linear Regression using Gradient Descent

Gradient is the generalization of the usual concept of derivative to a function of several variables. Err... Simply put, the variation of a parameter in  an environment  such that measuring any two points inform us about the direction of increasing density. Descent is well.. descent ..on...