Quick Start Button for Jupyter Notebook

Running Jupyter from the CMD all the time on a windows machine is quite tedious and time consuming.

You gotta navigate to your prefered directory ,then call up CMD (or vice versa) and then execute the command "Jupyter Notebook"

Sure we can write a python program to do that for us, I prefer to use Windows Command Shell for such stuff. Its easy, quick and gets the job done everytime!

Take a look at the script below, only the last two lines are crucial.

 @echo off  
 title Jupyter_Jumpstart  
 color 70  
 cd C:\Users\Sanjeev\Documents\Jupyter Notebook\  
 jupyter notebook  

Copy Paste the above code and save the notepad file as "anything.bat" (exclude the commas).
You are free to choose anything for the Title, Color and Location of your notebook.

I kept the script on desktop among others softwares. Double click and you are good to go!

Most prominent benefit of this method that I found is that all your .ipynb files are stored at a location of your choice thus no chance of misplacing your notebooks



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