Programming and Simulation of AVR with HC-05: PART II

The final build of my work with HC-05 involves using AVR ATmega32 microcontroller which is a powerful micro controller. The Controller is programmed in AVR GCC.

For HC-05 (or any other serial communication system), the USART needs to be set on the ATmega32 through programming.
Here is a snippet of code being used for UART in my build:

Setting up UART

The Primary task of responding to various commands is done by a switch statement which is way easier to modify and work on instead of  IF-ELSE statements.Since Each character has a unique ASCII Code, we have a lot of commands which can be given to the micro controller.For example ,there are 26 lower case + 26 upper case + 10 digits + about 32 symbols which equal about 94 unique commands.
Snippet of code for Switch:

Decision Task by Switch Statement

The character 'ch' is set to receive value from registers whenever the receive interrupt is triggered by the HC-05.The ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) is defined as follows:

Interrupt Service Routine

Simulation of code is done in Proteus 8.4 using all the peripherals included. Input here is given from a virtual terminal however HC-05 would have served the same objective.

Simulation in Proteus

A video accompanying the simulation conveys that the code works fine and can be implemented into the hardware.Here's the vid :

Proteus 8.4
Atmel Studio 7.0

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