Project AlphaUI : Computer Vision and Virtual Menu Navigation

We have always sought of new ways to interact with computers. From typed commands to automatic speech recognition, the aim is to make it appear natural to us, as if not interacting with a computer but a Human. Project AlphaUI AlphaUI is a virtual menu interface that lets you interact naturally...

Visualising N-Body Simulation in OpenCV : Multicore Processing with OpenMP

The Good side of OpenMP is its inherent simplicity. The ease with which it enables you to write parallel code is remarkable. This post is an update to a previous post: Building OpenCV with OpenMP . In this post, it's all about performance analysis of OpenCV with and without OpenMP. The...

Stepping up the game : Building OpenCV with OpenMP

OpenCV API has been a choice for Image Processing over MATLAB for quite a while now especially on an SoC like Raspberry Pi 3. However I always had an inquisitive concern (too fancy?) whenever I ran an OpenCV project (as in my previous project for Real-Time Face Recognition System ) that...